Thursday, February 15, 2007

evening work convos

Alipé: Last year, there was an internal contest to see which engineers could perform the most optimizations on [specifics deleted]. The top two participants won a trip for two to Hawaii.

Odin: Together? Imagine if those two engineers don't like each other.

[Alipé stands by my desk while I update a configuration file. Not remembering the exact steps, I navigate my browser to my internal blog to check my notes from the last time I did it.]

Alipé: You have an internal blog?

Me: It's just my notes on how to run various processes. There's only three posts, and no one ever reads it except me.

Alipé: It's only a matter of time before someone comments on there, "Will you marry me, Niniane?"

Odin: There was a outage during [date range deleted].

Me: Oh really? I don't recall this. Was it reported by blogs?

Alipé: I remember it. Other services besides search were down too. Blogger...

Me: That's one way to keep it out of the blogs.


  1. Will you marry me Niniane? Please say yes or no?

  2. Do you get a lot of marriage proposals???

  3. I see your "marry me" and raise you a "have my babies".

  4. I raise you again to a "marry my wife" and "take my babies".

    Free at last, free at last!

    My wife can't trace this back to me, can she?

  5. You BASTARD!

    - Anonymous' wife

  6. What makes an ingredient natural? More and more leading make-up companies are responding to the demands of today's educated market and offering their customers make-up containing natural and organic ingredients. Women - and more and more men - are realizing the benefits of leaving behind the man-made ingredients used in cheaper cosmetics and looking for the quality and results that come from natural make up. Cosmetics that have been made using quality ingredients - natural products close to the original state, and, whenever possible, organic certified.

  7. Analysts welcome the last post and have raised NINAN from "MARRY" to "MAKE_BABIES". NINAN(Quote: $10000000 +$10000) continues to be the HOTTEST on blogspot!

  8. Marry me and have cute mixed babies ???

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. i know you can neither confirm or deny this *rumor* but is this why bill gates kept mentioning the web and 3d at davos?

  11. lies!!

    "...Do you ever blog on Google’s internal blog?

    No. But I..."

    - google blogoscoped

  12. Oh, you're right. I thought the Google blogoscoped question was about the Official Google blog. I do blog on the Google internal blog.

  13. "I rent a crash-pad room in San Francisco with no internet access"

    Then you talk about your wireless connection to the coffee shop down stairs...


    Could not live with out it huh?

  14. She probably misses the internet connection more than sex...

  15. Maybe the intent was to create a space for OCD Googlers to actually sleep by having it be physically impossible to work remotely. Thus, good ideas and bug fixes must wait for the next regularly scheduled period of consciousness (read: Go. To. Sleep!) Of course, attempting to constrain the behaviour of engineers is an exercise in futility. They'll smile wistfully at your good intentions, then promptly bypass every perceived constraint the moment it conflicts with their desire to be what they are and, um, engineer things. Limitations are problems, and problems must be solved! Gah, there's no end to it. The only way to make engineers sleep is to shut their little brains off. General anesthesia, physical exhaustion and sex are the only reliable methods I'm aware of, short of using a tape-wrapped bike chain to club them into unconsciousness (and really, even at the point of climax there is probably some parallel pipeline in their brainstem chunking out the solutions to differential equations or doing a cost/benefit analysis for that next hardware upgrade; the gas would be a safer bet, methinks). Instead of internet access, I think her crash pad needs a StairMaster, a nitrous oxide spigot, and a well-stocked bar. And possibly some hunky, on-demand beefcake reachable at all hours via speed-dial.

  16. Happy Chinese New Year.

  17. Niniane’s first blog post

    “I'm drunk. Usually what I want is hot guys (and hot chicks) to make out with. Non-committally, of course, to leave more time for going to work…”

    Wow...Is this true Niniane? If so I Love you even more...

    We would make such cute mixed babies :-P!D11B17A57999A74E!260.entry#comment

  18. I Love the Internet...
    Indiscretions are never lost.

  19. It was true at the time, though the second half of that post was about how I wanted to find love. Now I just want the love part.


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