Tuesday, January 09, 2007

goofy little brother

After returning to the US last week, Tom stayed at my house for a few days. His Stanford dorm was closed for the holidays.

One night he cooked me a perfect al dente pasta with mushroom and tomato sauce.

Proud little brother:

Gleeful little brother:

At 2am, we made a Safeway run to buy groceries. Tom didn't have a coat. I said, joking, "Why don't you wear mine?"

I always wondered what it would be like to have a sister.

Damn, he looks better in the coat than I do.


Sitting around the dining table:

Me: [to Tom] It's so great having a younger brother. I don't know how people without little brothers manage to live. For example, you. You don't have a little brother. How do you go on?

Tom: Good point.


  1. i have a little sister, it's a poor substitute i know but she tries her best :)

  2. The interior of your domicile resembles a classic Doom II level (this is high praise, btw). I keep looking for a crate maze, a levitating shotgun, and the twitching, gibbering bodies of past boyfriends up on stakes. The living room, perhaps?

  3. Oh no, your brother looks like a chic in those photos. :-)

  4. brothers and sisters aren't supposed to get along that well!! :P

  5. I'll have to ask my lil brother the same thing!

  6. Little brothers are the best. :) Who else can you get to play house with you when you're a kid and 20 years later still hang out with you and be so loyal!

  7. Did you make your brother sleep under your stairs? (Check out the chair in the picture -- is that a pillow?)

  8. Chrysaora,

    Now that you mention it, my house does look like a Doom level. But I can't put my finger on why.


  9. there aren't even any crates, but there's something about the textures...

  10. That's exactly how I feel about my little brother too :D We've been best friends since we were little.

  11. Agreed. The lighter, solid fills on the walls provide excellent contrast for the darker, varied textures of the wood. The better levels in Doom usually had a nice balance of narrow pathways and expansive open areas. Maybe your home embodies the same principles of balance, albeit for somewhat different reasons.

    The smiling picture of your brother looks like my 4th grade childhood friend (surname Chung). We'd spend the afternoon scouring the local gutters and drainage areas looking for samples to put under my microscope, and his mother often made us dumplings when we returned. Nice memories.


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