Saturday, January 27, 2007

fun January photos

Misha held a birthday party with a 70s theme, since he was born in the 70s. It might as well have been a hirsute theme, because all I saw were afro wigs and chest hair spurting out from shirts.

Me with the birthday boy himself. I'm trying to avoid the chest hair. Waxing is not that painful, boys!

Christina and I preparing for Clara's birthday party. Christina's new dress was a major hit.

With the birthday girl.

This girl walked into the club with a "je ne sais quoi" air about her. Heads turned, or at least mine. Christina and I went up and danced with her for a while.

Bo trying on a cowboy hat in a Napa winery:

Beijing engineers drinking with interlocked arms, in an act of brotherly love. These two work on the same project. How come I don't see my team drinking wine like this?

Afterwards, morning-after expressions of tenderness and shame.


  1. hey I saw you on talking about your job at google.. what were the odds for a french guy in paris to find you blog and a few weeks later see you on a video on internet... not much I guess.. well your first name surely helped me recognise you... and also because you have a "je ne sais quoi"... hehe
    (sorry for my poor english)

  2. Hirsuit
    Hirsutism is the excessive growth of hair, particularly on a woman's face, torso and limbs, and is generally caused by increased androgens. It is a common sign of polycystic ovary syndrome in women. It can also be caused by a pituitary tumour or other serious medical conditions.

  3. Christina is a knock-out! Is she single?

  4. wow, my high-school french is coming back to me!:-) for a second i thought that's mandarin!

  5. hey ninane, you look great! the workout routines are working i guess. :-)

  6. Hey Niniane,

    Sorry to disappoint, but some of us guys have better things to do than deny our masculinity or try to look like little boys or (severely) airbrushed models on magazines targeted towards gay men.

    But hey, all of us have some odd tastes, and kudos to you for publicly admitting yours :-)

  7. re: anonymous @ 4:01pm.

    Christina is single.

    Let the stampede begin.

  8. Clara is very pretty in the second picture, but not so much in the first. She's like Jerry's "two-face" girlfriend who would look good and then the lighting would change and she would then look bad.


  9. Dumbass you can find links to Seinfeld episodes, but you can't see that thats two entirely different girls! At least the different dresses should have tipped you off.

  10. A stampede for Christina? Where might one find this unruly crowd?

  11. Christina is your standard-issue Westernized Asian chick. dime a dozen in NorCal here. That stampede would be standard-issue yellow fever dorky white boys, I guess.

    More pics of Eva and her large tracts of land, plz.

  12. "je ne sais quoi" air about her - (relatively inactive ego. simple, sweet, plain, unaffected, innocent)

  13. YellowFever said...
    Dumbass you can find links to Seinfeld episodes, but you can't see that thats two entirely different girls! At least the different dresses should have tipped you off.

    Mmmm...honestly I did look at the clothing but it looked to me like a shawl-type thing that could be removed. My bad if they are different people...sorry for being such a "dumbass", shithead.

  14. i have to say, niniane is much hotter than christina :/ sorry.

    urrr, i should start posting as anonymous too if i'm getting involved in 'male debate'

    urrr, read my blog!

  15. hey niniane, your boobs look *bigger* did you get implants? ;-)

  16. Oddly Niniane later in life comes to appreciate the masculine male with a bit of hair on the chest.

    Though she plucks the gray ones from her husbands chest every Wednesday night after going to the gym.

  17. The cow boy is so cool! And the middle-aged man beside him is also kind of handsome...maybe


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