Monday, December 25, 2006

Tom, job, funny

My brother Tom decided to take a job with EA after graduation. It's a gameplay engineer position on "The Sims".

Tom said, "I like working on games, because I can make them addictive. The next generation will spend their time playing games, instead of becoming kickass at programming. Then they won't be able to come steal my job. I'll have job security."


Today we took a taxi in Shanghai. Along the road stood tall signs of iPod nano on a fiery background. Tom pointed them out to me, since he interned twice at Apple.

Tom: "I liked working at Apple. They're good at marketing."

Me: "Yeah, they are."

Tom: "I'm going from the company of cool ... to the company of cruel."


  1. My friends at EA report that the life of an EA engineer is a lot better now. The EA spouse business has really hurt them in recruiting, and they have evidently responded to the challenge.

    It's still the video game industry, so there will still be crunch times.

    Merry Merry!

  2. I don't think they spend a lot of time playing games in China, Russia and India. His job will just be sent over there.

  3. SIMS 3!! i'm so jealous

  4. I live in China (recently Shanghai: welcome, Niniane!). There's surely
    many people playing games online and offline! I even know a friend who's
    work is to play alpha/beta games day and night ;-)

  5. In the old days of the sims, you could put them all in a room together with no bathroom. till they died little sim deaths. awesome.

  6. Tom is soooo cute? Does he have his own blog???

  7. Hi Niniane,
    The trouble with having an interesting blog (it's not only about Google that I find interesting, by the way) is that your readers want more. And my how lucky have we been - you write two-three posts a day. But of late, the posts have been dwindling. Why? Sigh.
    I guess - now you are into this sight-seeing thing. But you used to post often even when you were in Egypt amongst the pyramids - see how you have spoilt us?

    Now, please post something. Thanks!

  8. I'll be looking for his new game!haha....

  9. Post more pictures of Sara and Christina, that's what we really want!


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