Saturday, December 09, 2006

internet is bad judge of hotness

Today I checked the CW11 Hot Model competition and what the hell! The top three finishers do not include my friend Ming. Come on, gentle readers, did you forget to vote for her?

The winner is indeed beautiful:

but how can you say that the runners-up:

are hotter than Ming? That ain't right.

While I'm on the topic of beauty, I was reading this week. As usual, speculations abounded on whether Britney had a breast lift, or Nicole Richie got implants. Celebrity experts pore over before-after pics to analyze.

Don't paparazzi follow these celebrities 24-7??

I see photos of Paris Hilton hounded by five cameramen as she walks from the doctor's office to the parking lot. You'd think if Nicole Richie drove with her entourage to a plastic surgeon's office, and emerged two hours later groggy-faced with a big bandaid around her chest, the paparazzi would have noticed.


  1. I think your friend is a little more subtle then those women. I'm not sure the typical voter for that competition would be looking for subtle.

    I love the superficial too :-)

  2. Niniane, I kind of think it's more a "journalistic" desire to have something to fuss about.

    This week there was also the business about Mrs Bush wearing the same dress as three other women at the party --- and at the same time wondering how dare Mrs Bush buy an $8500 dress when children were starving? (Partial answer sould seem to be that if she was one of four women in the dress, it's not that unusual.)

    Or this week, that Bush didn't pay enough attenttion to his father --- while three weeks ago it was that he was being sent to his room by his father, who was taking over gthe Presidency with Gates and Baker.

    The point is, I don't think they feel any responsibility to have any of this stuff make sense.

  3. N, you look really red in the new picture on the blog.

  4. There's a difference between "hot" and "pretty" :-)

  5. Ming is -definitely- more hot than the women pictured, and let's face it: Ming doesn't look like a random assemblage of conic sections, and *she* probably knows the difference between abelian and non-abelian groups. Factor in the drama-negation field, and I think you have a clear winner...


  6. i don't know man, we need to see pictures of ming in swimsuit in order to make a fair comparison :)

  7. Niniane, can you please post some nude pics of yours? I am curious to have an estimate of your "size".

  8. Honestly my theory is that Ming does not look plain enough. She looks more suited to do haute couture then sell Marshall's clothing. All of the three winners look like they would actually shop at Marshalls. Ming looks more suited to show up on a Paris runway. Whether or not they actually tabulated results from the internet is questionable. The "contest" is more of a promotional strategy, the endgoal of which is to promote/sell stuff.

  9. I admit, I forgot. ''Just like the time I could have met Mr. T at the mall. The entire day I kept saying, "I'll go a little later. I'll go a little later." And then when I got there, they told me he'd just left. And when I asked the mall guy if he would ever come back again, he said he didn't know.''

    But yeah, by the time I went to vote it was already down to the top three. Sorry.

  10. How can we compare Ming to others if we don't have swimsuit picture of Ming ?

  11. > internet is bad judge of hotness

    No, we men (in the aggregate) are bad judges of hotness.

    EXHIBIT A: Paris Hilton
    EXHIBIT B: Nicole Ritchie

    No brains, no curves, no class.

    Blech. I'm embarrassed to be a guy sometimes.

  12. I dunno, I'm a girl and I think Paris Hilton is a pretty girl.

    Nicole Richie is a dog, and I have never heard any male say she's hot.

  13. Yes, we definitely need the Ming swimsuit picture to judge. We already have the Niniane swimsuit picture from Goa... and she is a winner...

  14. #1 doesn't smile, #3 has a fake smile, so I'm voting #2. As a previous commenter said, Ming is disqualified for not showing up in a bikini in this post.

  15. How about we have a "Niniane's Top Model" contest... without the bikinis, though : )

  16. Um, by that, I meant "nicely dressed" ... not sans garment.

  17. what is niniane's cup size? I would say 32-c

  18. Seriously, does anyone wear high heels with a swimsuit away from a camera?


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