Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New York's Hot Model

My friend Ming is one of ten semi-finalists for the CW11 "New York's Hot Model" contest:

Ming is awesome because she defies cattiness. She and I and a big group of women spent time together a couple years ago. Drama soon ensued. One woman started complaining that she was snubbed by another. Three women got annoyed at a fourth for taking candid camera shots (guess who that was?). Through it all, Ming emitted a force shield of being so down-to-earth that drama melted before it could reach her.

Her goal is to become a fashion designer, and she spends her evenings either designing jewelry or creating flash web sites to sell the jewelry on eBay.

Anyway, the contest voting is tabulated online, so you should go vote for her!


Me, Danielle, Ming in a SUV on our way to a dinner event.


  1. Okay, so there you are, in a group with someone in the hunt to be picked as a top model, and she certainly doesn't stand out as prettier than you.

  2. Au contraire! Red lips like a poisonous snail, hips and shoulders like axe blades, her hair a gift from Pelee... (swoon)

    There's not a man one who'd reject an offer to be disemboweled on the flinty pebbles of her heart! O' Eris! If only...




  3. Honestly hon, you are way hotter than Ming, but I do agree that all three of you in that pic could stop traffic.

  4. she looks different in all of her pics! do you have a link to the jewelry she makes?

  5. We need more pictures of Sara and Christina - now those two are top models!

  6. With men everything is a competition. I don't know why all of them want to rate the women on your blog against each other. You're all lovely in a different way. Regarding Ming she has that awesome don't mess with me, femme fatale quality.

  7. "You're all lovely in a different way. Regarding Ming she has that awesome don't mess with me, femme fatale quality."

    I totally agree. and Ming? No joke, those red lips are swoon-worthy despite (because of?) the poisonous snail comparison you've made.

    That said, I like my bowels too much to lose them on anyone's heart. I'm selfish like that.

  8. More than one man has now asked, "Is the commenter Ming the Merciless the same as your friend Ming?"

    You people don't know the meaning of "down-to-earth" if you think Ming would say "not a man who'd reject an offer to be disemboweled on the flinty pebbles of her heart!".

    She's not like that, yo.

  9. Dang.

    But I think I have a reasonable case for why I was confused. I mean, c'mon. "Red lips like a poisonous snail"? Who but the supremely awesomely down-to-earth would describe themselves like that?

    Ah well.

  10. Anonymous, at least in this context, the comparison was because Niniane the Adorable has, in the past, expressed some complaints about being fat and soon.


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