Tuesday, October 24, 2006

pharaoh's revenge

I read yesterday that if event A happens at the same time as event B, then your subconscious will link the two. If your dog collapses while you walk him under a willow tree, then future glimpses of willow branches will remind you of poor Fluffy's demise.

I fear that I will henceforth associate the majestic Saqqara step pyramid

with 1). trying to sell my Google stock at the start of the trading period, via a Sidekick hiptop running lynx (text-based browser) with a lag time of several seconds, and

2). stabbing stomach pains ("Mummy's Tummy" according to the guidebook). Julie warned me that the so-called bathroom near the pyramid is actually a trailer whose walls were covered in shit. After the stomach pains set in, I was very grateful for that bathroom.


  1. You dropping to the new Google Israel offices by any chance ?

  2. OOC, did you drink the local tap water? Or was "Mummy's Tummy" simply unavoidable? (Not condemning you; I'm just honestly curious.)

  3. So did you add your own spray to the walls of the bathroom or what? Give up the deets!

  4. Surfing the net...happened to 'stumble' onto your blog...one of the most funniest blogs I've read :) You definitely have a great sense of humour :) Thank you for the midnight laughs. Keep it up :)

  5. You're my hero!

  6. Welcome to my country!


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