Sunday, September 17, 2006

Saturday night, New York style

Love this top. It helps that Mary (the girl sporting it) is tall with the body of a model. She's a New Yorker now, but used to live in Mountain View, on Rengstorff and Middlefield.


Me with my Googler friend Leslie, who broke into a huge smile any time she talked about her boyfriend-recently-turned-fiance. Awww.


Two sweet Mormon girls I met on Saturday night. They took me to the nightclub Aer, which had the best DJ I've ever experienced.


Me with the party hostess.

Now, judging from comments on prior posts, some of you can't seem to tell blondes apart. So before you bombard me about how beautiful Sara is and how much you adore her and how her pictures are the meaning of your existence, I have this to say:

Yes, Sara is truly gorgeous. No doubt about it. However, the picture below is not Sara! It's my friend Eva. If you're going to be obsessed, get it right.


  1. So, did you bring Sara along to NYC or not?

  2. you seem to have lost weight. attagirl!

  3. Which one had a ex-gay-boyfriend ?

  4. Which one had a ex-gay-boyfriend ?

  5. Eva wishes she was Sara hot!

  6. Eva = silicon stripper hot, Sara = natural elegant hot. Of course they're both out of my league, but given a choice I'd go for the more classy looking Sara. :-)

  7. Does Eva work at Google too?

    If she's an engineer, she is officially every engineers wet dream.

    Deets please.


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