Sunday, September 03, 2006


My brother Tom works as an intern at Apple. He turned down Google in order to do this.

At a Cole Valley coffeeshop:

Me: Tom, your Powerbook is so slow!

Tom: It is?

Me: Look. [types into edit box. Letters appear after three or four seconds.]

Tom: That lag is from Blogger. [leans over keyboard, opens another window and types into it. Letters appear immediately.]

Me: Oh, you're right.

Tom: Don't blame my company. Blame your own!


  1. Apple is little bit cool, but not very convenient.
    Which kind of system Googler use most?

  2. Personally, I'm on a Windows laptop, but I'm thinking of making my next purchase an Apple. I'm just worried I won't have Google Talk there ;) (I guess I can use iChat, but it won't be as integrated with Gmail).

  3. True, it won't as much integrated as GTalk, for instance, you can't share files. Not sure if you can call your buddies, I am not on a Mac now. Well, hopefully your will release a Mac version of GTalk soon.


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