Tuesday, September 12, 2006

if your fiance turns out to be a lemon, make lemonade

A woman who learned six weeks before her wedding that her fiance was cheating on her is turning her would-be reception into a charity benefit.

She and her mother canceled the band, photographer and florist, but learned they would not be reimbursed for the reception and block of rooms they had reserved. So they turned the reception into a benefit for the Vermont Children's Aid Society and CARE USA, an international relief organization that aims to combat poverty by empowering women.

Full article.

Awesome, awesome. If I am ever in this situation (God forbid), I now know what I will do.


  1. How can you cheat on such a lovely, creative and original woman? He must regret it.

    RC The Netherlands

  2. I bet she's gotten hundreds of marriage proposals in the past day or so, since this story hit the big time. What a brilliant, caring, and extraordinary character she is. And she's a hottie, too.

  3. What if you learn your fiance or your ex is gay ?

  4. if you find this amusing, and you're up for a good read that is a bit more serious, you should read the edible woman by margaret atwood. while somewhat dated, it is certainly timeless.. and the ending.. well, it's fantastic.

  5. I saw this story, and I've been scratching my head because I swear I saw a movie of it on Lifetime a couple of months ago.


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