Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Get your dance on

The Google Dance is coming up next week.

Last year, the week before the Google Dance, I emailed an engineer Maddox to set up a meeting with a startup CEO in his product space. I'd never met Maddox. I opened up his calendar, picked an empty slot, and created a meeting.

"My product manager can't make it," he emailed back to say.

"That's fine, as long as YOU can," I said, emphasizing that at least one member of their team needed to be present. After sending the email, I realized that it could be constituted as a romantic overture. But too late, already sent.

Then I went through my email, and saw that the Google Dance was coming up the next week. In order to remind myself, I added a meeting to my calendar.

The next day, I was going through my emails when I realized that I had still been in Maddox's calendar when I created the entry. So the calendar program sent him a meeting invite for him and myself to the Google Dance.

I laughed when I saw this. Then I felt great embarrassment. Then I saw the humor in it again and laughed. This cycled a couple more times.

When I showed up the next day for the meeting with the startup CEO, there was a cute blonde girl sitting in Maddox's cube along with him, who he specifically introduced to me as his girlfriend.


  1. nice... reading your story - it would have been great if he introduced YOU as his girl friend to the blonde [yes blonde project manager, and here is niniane - she put in a request to be my girl friend yesterday and I gladly accepted] :)

  2. Gawd. That's hysterically funny. This time, I will wear something special to the dance.


  3. Niniane,

    I just discovered your blog and I can't stop reading. It's wildly entertaining. Also I am so happy to know about other girls in tech. For me it gets a bit lonely. I have nobody to discuss shoes or clothes with! Literally every team I'm on is all men. Knowing other girls in tech exist is reassuring.



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