Sunday, August 13, 2006

all in the family: Parents.

An emotionally difficult Saturday afternoon and Sunday.

The crux is that I told my parents that from now on, I am going to leave the room whenever they do one of the following:

1. Fight.
2. Badmouth the other.
3. Make racist remarks.

I told them I may leave for an hour, a day, or five minutes. They are not pleased, to say the least. Neither am I, but this is the decision I chose out of many crappy options.

My wise friend said to me yesterday, "1. Life is short, and 2. you only live once. Don't spend your one short life in situations that make you miserable."

1 comment:

  1. I told my parents the same, they didn't believe me, then I moved out to the States, leaving them in London. Mum rings the other day, "we'll now be taking your words seriously" -- went through the whole day with a smile on my face.


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