Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Another Google china blog article.

D (Google China Blog's editor): Niniane, we miss your writing style. Can you write another article for us? After your last article encouraging female engineers, we got a lot of emails from readers specifically directed at you!

Me: [happily] Oh yeah, from female engineers who felt encouraged?

D: No. From guys who want your email address.

Me: gg.


I spent the "effort of nine oxen and two tigers" (chinese saying) and translated into chinese my article How to Write a Killer Resume, for Software Engineers.

It's the current article on Google China blog: Link.


  1. it seems that you lost 4 oxs...

  2. > "effort of five oxen and two tigers"

    Only five oxen? Where are the other 4? Watching World Cup I guess.

  3. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your article "How to write a killer resume" located at your personal homepage. After taking your killer points into consideration of my own resume, I had received more interview invitation from some potential employers. I changed to a new job and got almost 50% monthly salary increase :).

    BTW, you're a good writer and your writing retains audience.

  4. Hi Niniane,

    I think it should be "effort of Nine Oxen and Two Tigers"

    P/S: I am a regular reader of your blog, I like your writing style, keep it up. Cheers!

  5. Out of curiousity (I can't read Chinese) -- was it a relatively straightforward translation? Or did you make allowances one way or the other for the Chinese cultural reticence to push oneself forward?

  6. arc,

    I think it's more of a straightforward translation for the first half, until bullet #4. After that it's different from the English version. N did not mention the "do not lie" part, and replaced it with other stuff.

    I think this is a wise decision, as the first 4 points are technical, while the "do not lie" part is more of a cultural thing. Among Chinese engineers and other groups of educated people, if you say "do not lie", it means you assume some of them will lie, and this is an offense to the group.

  7. I'm a Chinese engineer, and I do not find "do not lie" to be particularly offensive. It sounds like good advice to me.

  8. Ah, you all give me so much credit (with the cultural considerations) for not translating the original article's bullet point #5. The reasons were, in priority order:

    1. Recently I thought that it's just obvious that you shouldn't lie. (I've since been disabused of this notion by several people.)

    2. I was tired.



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